Sunday, September 18, 2005

Image, Health and fitness

I passed my IPPT this evening. Most properly, this will be my last IPPT, at least I hope.
I have done around 12 ICT already, more than the new law of 10.

I am very happy for myself today, because today's result is a result that I have not achieve for a very long time.

Sit up 5 points
Shuttle Run 5 points
Broad Jump 4 points
Chin up 2 points
2.4Km Run 3 points (11:52 mins)

Although I have never failed my test before, but getting such a high score is very encouraging, usually I will have a score of 13 - 16, but I have a 19 today.
Atlas, my chin up is still my weakness, guess carrying my 3 years old around doesn't really help eh? Haha.

Other than that, my process of doing a face-lift is progressing.
My new glasses is ready next week, and I have dyed my hair and have a haircut today.
But since my hair is still short, the stylist can't actually do much but to shape it and get ready for my next visit.

As I have changed all my clothes to suit my 'reduced' size, these changes is going to help me to achieve a new 'me'. I will be able to achieve more self confidence and get myself out of the dark memory real soon, if I am not already out of it.

Internally, I still wishes for a complete and happy family. My dear friend's family is having a excursion on Sentosa this weekend, how I wish I could have such activites with my 3 years old and her. Nonetheless, I can only pray for her happiness even though she is no longer beside me anymore. I really miss her. I often wonder what is she doing now?

My tears are falling again, what am I doing? I am quite happy today, ain't I?
Yes, I am, it is just another way of happiness that I have got.
I wipe away my tears and thought of my joy.
I knew now, I am happy today, the tears only meant that I did not share it with the people who matter to me most.

I am listening to my favorite song, Madonna's 'You will see' while I am writing this blog.
This song although is my long time favorite, it have special meaning for me now, since exactly 5 months ago, on 17 Apr.

My friends, if you saw this blog , be my witness, you will see.

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