Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Today's feeling.

Today is a busy day. (watched 'Happy Fee' yesterday and have a refreshing sleep)

Installed for 4 happy users. They are really appreciating for what we have done.
I am happy.

I also get scolded by a nasty user. She claims that the mobile mail did not work and I replied that I will take note and check. Since it is a trial, they are bound to be issues.She do not agreed and insisted that the product should work when we trial. (I wonder whether she got the defination of trial right? if so, that is a production system, not trial.)

I did a formal reply to her cc to my bosses. My direct boss later tell me that my email is too soft, and not to make it a habit. He explained that you will get 'eaten' if you are too soft.

I felt his backing and he has been earning my respect during the last few months. I appreciate that.

Also, a sister agency's manager called me and wish we can share info on this project with them. I am very glad that our work has caught attention even outside our organisation. I hope all will went well.

But the servers seems to be unstable when more and more trial users are added to the system. I will have to source for a replacement soon. Our 'partner' in the project has been supplying us servers older than the 1st server I setup in the organisation which is more than 6 years ago. that is just plain dumb.

I better have a good rest today. As there are more challenge tomorrow. Rest well, me!


San Wen Ji said...

you are so lucky as yr boss will give u comment as "soft"

yuen luk luk said...

take a good rest and all the best for tomorrow!

Eden said...

Rest & Recharge !