Thursday, October 05, 2006

Miserable work

I felt very depress now, for work again, of course.

Submited a Ops paper (the 3rd time on the same topic) successfully. Shoule be happy right? No, although it is vetted and support by my big Boss, a manager says that I am inviting questions.

Questions is fine, right? Everyday, we ask question to get thing going.
But I guess it is not fair for her to answer all these questions when she attend the meeting representing the department.

As for a existing project, I am totally losing it. I lost control on making the team work according to plan, and control how things flow. Basically, I think I have no leadership at all.

Feel tiny now, low self esteem, loosing faith.

I am not sure how long I can continue in this new role anymore.
But I am sure everywhere and everyday such things is happening.

It is not my 1st day out working, why am I feeling so bad?
I am taking it so hard and personal now, I must calm down and re-organise again.