Wednesday, March 15, 2006

A unhappy event

Due to recent changes in the company, I am going to be the last to leave my portfolio and also handing numerous things, in addition to my projects and routine work, yet some people just can't stop throwing works that can be done easily over to me. I rejected and stand my ground, she is unhappy. So be it, I only have 2 hands as everyone, and this is a task that can be taken care of easily by the people involved.

Here is the case :
Colleague A was transferred to vendor as part of the reorganisation. His procurement right was revoked, and he need to make a procurement for some network maintenance. Our procurement in charge has stated clearly that in these period, the vendor procurement need will go to our department admin, and she will raise the procurement on behalf. I believe it is good arrangement. Yet, the person B, asked me to raise instead; the reason being the admin is not IT trained, I rebuked that ex-colleague A (a engineer) will be guiding her, which will be as good as he raise himself, why do you need me to raise? Person B is not happy and say she will raise herself. Fine, I am no convince of your answer and I already have one whole load of work thrown from you, enough is enough.

I hereby declared that I will not be bother by this case anymore and make myself suffer and feeling uneasy. This feeling stops here and now. I am not guilty and I will stand my ground.


Carrie said...

Poor Guy!

Have to stand really firm!

chipmunk said...

Looks like you need a drink!

totoro said...

yo bro,

work is like that... someone has to play the baddie role.

Mr Nice Guy vs Mr Politics


Mr Baddie vs Mr Politics?

Hyacinthus said...

that's the life to be and the trend in the market as well. IT admin would be transferred to vendor for monitoring. And pp have to go thru the pain and rearrangement while the period and hope the transition can smooth ur daily work and increase the efficiency & stability as a whole. That’s the result all expect to see, otherwise ………