Ouch! I have been tagged by LDD to talk about 5 of my embarassing events.
1) 9 years ago, I went to my UK coursemate's (Florence) house and help her fix her computer, we are building it from scratch by buying parts and assemble it. I actually short cicuit and trip the power breaker
twice when the power come in contact with the metal casing of the computer. Yeah, so much for a Newbie IT Engineer then.
2) When I am in primary 1, my teacher says Rolex watch is a expensive watch, and I thought it mean digital watch, so I say I have one on me. The whole class is shock and follow by great laughter when the truth is out.
3) In Secondary 2, I am in the choir. During practise, the music teacher ask me to excuse myself for the team. The reason is my voice is changing (from boy to man) and will not be suitable to sing in that year. Sigh...
4) Just last week, I bring my mum to have a Japanese meal and I found out that I did not bring my wallet, causing my mum to have to foot the bill. So embarass...
5) A couple of year back, after being pick on by my boss, I went to tell one of my colleagues, not knowing my boss is in the cubicle beside my colleague. She suddently say that is not what she mean when my colleague and I are talking about it.
(that time we are using tall partition, now we are using open concept. Phew, much better)
Now, my turn to tag people.
1) Carrie
2) Eden
3) 炎
4) 畢滿
Dear friends, have a wonderful weekend.